Professional Development Communities
Inclusion in Science

Working scientifically always provides a challenge for practitioners to ensure practical enquires are engaging, purposeful and meaningful. This session aims to share some of the latest research around working practically and facilitate an opportunity for professionals to best practise and build each other's confidence in supporting practical learning.


It is a remote event on the 9th of November 2023, starting at 15:40 finishing at 17:00

Intended Outcomes

You will be able to

  • Individuals such as: subject leaders, coordinators, heads of departments
  • A team/whole department
  • A network of schools/groups
  • Multi-academy trusts
  • Initial teacher education

How much?

Pricing varies on whether you are a SW-IFT Member or not, as well as if you are a state funded or private school. Please select the booking button below which best applies to you, this will take you to book and varify your place on the session. We would highly recommmend booking your place as places are limited for each session.

Book now to attend the first session on 9th November 2023